Bloombreed Schools Celebrates 25th Anniversary Milestone


The 12th of September 2023 marks the 25th anniversary of Bloombreed Schools in their journey of ‘providing a world class education that imparts knowledge and nurtures character, creativity and leadership’.


In the course of 25 years of healthy service to young, impressionable minds and their guardians, Bloombreed Schools has remained remarkably dedicated and committed to fostering a culture of excellence; one which is seen in their efforts towards ‘providing top-tier education, inspiring innovation and shaping future leaders’. Undoubtedly these standards can be credited for the recognition Bloombreed Schools has gotten for its outstanding curriculum, advanced facilities, and supportive staff.



Also to note is the school’s inclusion of a wide range of extracurricular activities inspired by their vision to develop the ‘all-round personalities of students.’ These activities include: participation in quizzes, debates, seminars, symposia, key clubs and social groups. Under this distinction of key clubs and social groups, Bloombreed Schools exposes its students the options of Juventus Football Academy, Music Club, JET Club, Fashion and Craft Club, Photography Club, Languages (Spanish and Mandarin), Chess Club, Dance Club, Taekwondo Club, etiquette, brownies, Lego Clubs, just to name a few.

With a such a groundbreaking strategy for nurturing young minds, it’s no surprise why Bloombreed Schools has 25 years of experience under their belt with plans to keep reaching beyond the stars. Thus the highlights of the 25th year anniversary celebration center on the areas of: academic excellence as students have consistently achieved top rankings in international and national examinations as well as competition, innovative programmes that boast of a curriculum that is ‘cutting-edge’, and embraces technology as well as interdisciplinary learning.

Other highlights include extracurricular development, community engagement of students in community development projects and philanthropic activities, internship training for education and success of Bloombreed Schools’ alumni in various fields. All in all, 25 years of a job well done by Bloombreed Schools.