Tagged; “IBINABO 2024.”
This annual event is a vibrant celebration of Cultural Heritage, showcasing the rich traditions and artistry of the Kalabari People, particularly in Akuku-Toru Local Government Area.
The Competition is held in Abonnema, promises to be a spectacular display of Rhythmic Movements, Elaborate Costumes and Captivating Choreography.
Participants are expected to highlight the unique Cultural expressions that have been passed down through generations.
This year’s Competition is expected to attract a large number of talented dancers and spectators from across the different compounds in Abonnema.
HON. MRS TONYE BRIGGS ONIYIDE DSSRS, FWASCA the Executive Chairman Of Akuku Toru Local Government Area (AKULGA) extends her full support to the organizers in recognizing the event’s significance in promoting Cultural appreciation and Unity within the Community.
Categories of People;
– Young Start Iriapu.
– Ine Iriapu.
– Esty Unique Iriapu.
– Ipaca Dance.
– Moni Gold Iriapu.
– Oruwari Iriapu of Abonnema.
– Nini-Koapu.