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Port Harcourt
Saturday, September 7, 2024

Diary of a middle aged woman, Page 17

by Eveafrique Magazine


Dear Dairy, Come O!

Hahaha, so I told you the other time that my ex husband Philip popped up the other day on his knees asking for forgiveness abi?

hmmm, Many such visits has followed that initial attempt. And in all of it, my spirit tells me he has not changed one bit while I dare say I have changed in so many ways which makes the situation worse than before.

hahaha, I see that he still has that concerted spirit and it always brings to the fore the disdain with which he treated me back then. Do you know that this man treated me so shabbily that I always went to my mirror naked in search of what could be so wrong with me, why was it difficult to enjoy any amount of tenderness from this man, not to mention consideration. These and other spiritual matter’s created a deep gulf between us. Now after my taste of good consideration, conditions in respective, I wonder if I can manage this person again. how do I bring him to my level of knowledge of life and human affairs?

The Chic summit 2022

A person who resisted growth of any level years ago, is his mind open to possibilities, Darings and push?

My concentration is on the spirit of the person as against earthly thought it was over financial struggles. Unknown to many Philips, earned much more than I, at that time though I looked more blessed. It is spiritual . I give and I receive quite a lot, so , it always seemed like I had more . And do you know that Philip revisited this grace that I enjoyed.

So as much as the children like to have their father around and yet another adult in the house is not a bad idea, the question is, will it work between us? Will I step down or Philip rise up?

I am worried , dear Dairy, wahala be like what again?

Confused middle aged woman.

© An Eveafrique Production
Art by; Kilali Etokakpan

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